Dec 27, 2011


  1. Tramadol is in a group of drugs called opiate agonists. It is used to treat moderate to severe pain by changing the way the body senses pain.
  2. Tramadol can either be taken as a normal tablet or an extended-release (long-acting) tablet to be taken through the mouth. The regular tablet can be taken with or without food every four to six hours or as needed. 
  3. The extended-release tablet should only be taken once a day around the same time every day.
  4. When using extended-release the patient either needs to always take it with food or always take it without food. 
  5. The extended-release tablets should only be taken whole. It is dangerous to split, chew, crush, snort or inject the dissolved form of the tablet.
  6. It is important to only take the medication as the doctor prescribes because it is a highly dependent drug.

Dec 23, 2011


  •  GrĂ¼nenthal established that Tramadol has a weak respiratory depressant effect when compared with morphine. it changes the way human body feels pain.
  • Tramadol provides adequate pain relief in patients with different types of pain.
  • Tramadol has many clinical trials have showed that is more effective than other analgesics in some particulars kinds of pain.
  • Tramadol has many other trials have demonstrated the acceptable safety profile of a well administered dosage schedule of Tramadol in patients with low back pain and hip or knee osteoarthritis.

Dec 20, 2011


  • generally well tolerated
  • proven efficacy in a broad range of painful conditions
  • respiratory depressionis less common and less pronounced than with other opioids 
  • lesser constipation effect than with other opioids 
  • withdrawal not considered to be as severe as that produced by other opioids
  • low abuse and dependence potential 
  • more effective than NSAIDs for controlling post operative pain
  • antidepressant-like (mood improving) activity 
  • local anesthetic activity 
  • low interaction potential
  • devoid of immunosuppressive activity
  • reasonably priced - available generic formulation

Dec 18, 2011


  • Your doctor's advice is the best way to prevent from the tramadol. 
  • A popular way to overcome the addiction is the use of  the Waismann Method of Accelerated Neuro-Regulation program.
  • This approach requires a stay in hospital for a few days, but is able to handle drug tramadol opioid receptors with the cleaning. 
  • A healthy lifestyle in conjunction with the exercises and diet can help control the symptoms. 
  • You can also reduce the dependence of tramadol by using the Ginko biloba , fish oil, green tea and vitamin b supplements. 
  • In addition, your doctor may recommend counseling and drug treatment program for combating drug tramadol.

Dec 16, 2011


  1. If you are addicted to tramadol and are trying to quit the habit, you may end up feeling withdrawal symptoms.
  2. Symptoms can vary from moderate to very severe and includeTremors
    Inability to sleep
  3. It is recommended that you do not stop taking the medication abruptly.
  4. You will need to gradually get off the drug in order to avoid withdrawal symptoms and not relapse.

Dec 14, 2011


  • If a patient is using tramadol in a manner that is inconsistent with treatment, they are addicted to the drug. 
  • Inconsistencies include taking higher dosages of the drug or taking tramadol more frequently then you are supposed to. 
  • Other signs of addiction include a patient getting multiple prescriptions from different doctors to get more tramadol
  • You may also be addicted if you are stealing tramadol or you are acquiring the drug from outside sources.

Dec 12, 2011


  1. Experts claim that there is a major difference in the definition of dependency and addiction. Patients who are dependent on the drug only use it because of a condition that is still being treated.
  2. Patients who are self-medicating run a higher risk of dependency.
  3. In some states, this drug can be purchased over the counter and is another reason for the abuse of tramadol.
  4. There is also an increased chance of dependency if the patient is using tramadol for an extended amount of time. 
  5. Many doctors report that the dependency for this drug is purely psychological and increased dosage may cause the user to become accustomed to the lessened pain.
  6. Anything above the recommended dosage will cause side effects that can harm you. This drug is used to control pain and is not intended for other health conditions

Dec 9, 2011


  • Tramadol is classified as a narcotic but is not a drug like morphine. 
  • Many patients are weary of taking this drug due to its likelihood for addiction. 
  • If tramadol is used as recommended, you will not become dependent or addicted to the drug.
  • Many patients who use tramadol have claimed that the drug is addicting. 
  • A recent study by the Journal of Family Practice found that tramadol has a low risk of addiction
  • Tramadol is considered to be one of the better pain relievers that is available, but dependence can become an issue if prescriptions are not monitored.

Dec 7, 2011


  1. Generally speaking, people who need relief from pain are the ones who use Tramadol. 
  2. This is a drug that goes into your body and slowly releases the pain-killing ingredients over a long period of time. These go to the nerve endings and change the way that you feel the pain, making it so that you are not in agony any longer.
  3. Anyone who has felt enduring pain that will not abate on its own is a candidate for this type of a drug.
  4. If you are looking for more specific examples, those exist as well. First off, people who have been hurt in car accidents often use Tramadol while they try to heal; this drug lets them sleep so that they can rest and get better. 
  5. People who have had surgery will also use it if the surgery was rather invasive and left them with a long recovery time. 
  6. People who are growing older and who have been injured through falls and other such accidents will also take this drug for their pain.

Dec 5, 2011


Relieves various causes of pain, including post-surgery pain
Used to treat chronic pain
Can be used with or as an alternative to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)

Dec 2, 2011


  • Seizure will appear more if you give tramadol while giving certain other medications. 
  • Tell your veterinarian if you are also giving your pet or using any of the following medications: 
  1. an MAO inhibitor such as selegiline (Anipryl), Mitaban, or a Preventic Collar; an antidepressant such as amitriptyline, clomipramine (Clomicalm), fluoxetine (Prozac, Reconcile), or acepromazine.
  2.  warfarin (Coumadin) 
  3. digoxin (Lanoxin) 
  4. ketoconazole (Nizoral) 
  5. drugs that can cause drowsiness such as other pain medications, muscle relaxants, and herbal products.
  • This list is not complete and there may be other medications that can interact with tramadol.
  • Tell your veterinarian about all the prescription and over-the-counter medications you give your pet.
  • This includes vitamins, minerals and herbal products.

Dec 1, 2011


  1. Get emergency veterinary medical help if your pet develops these signs of an allergic reaction: hives; difficulty breathing; swelling of the face, lips, tongue, or throat. 
  2. Stop using tramadol and call your veterinarian at once if your pet has any of these serious side effects: seizure; a red, blistering, peeling skin rash; or shallow breathing.  
  3. Less serious side effects may include: 
  • drowsiness, and weakness; 
  • vomiting
  • constipation
  • loss of appetite
  • blurred vision
  • insomnia.